One Man Two Guvnors tells the tale of the adventures, or probably more accurately misadventures of the hapless Frances Henshall as he navigates the chaos of working for two guvnors. We had 4 performances, 3 of which sold out. The audiences roared with laughter at this delightfully silly play.
I've seen two things this week; Gladiator 2 and One Man, Two Guvnors. One is a poorly produced, badly acted, over hyped load of rubbish. The other is the fantastic production by Shoreham Village Players. Message to Ridley Scott - if you want to see how this production and acting lark is done properly, get down to Shoreham.
The best show the players have done since King Lear
What a wealth of acting talent in Shoreham Village Players at the moment! One Man, Two Guvnors was so well done and so professional. What a wonderful cast and crew.
Just seen the play in the village hall….too funny!!! Go if you can
That was a superb evening’s entertainment. Pure, unadulterated joy. Loved the ad libbing (Francis and Stanley especially) and, of course, the rubber chicken - not sure I’ve seen anyone corpse as much since the days of Peter Sellers! A superb ensemble performance. The Players are back! Bacon and Eggs all round!
What an absolute triumph. Congratulations to all involved. Hilarious from start to finish.
Hilarious. Well done everyone, a great entertaining performance
Absolutely brilliant!!! Congratulations all round!!
Absolutely brilliant, hilarious!
It really was great. So lovely to see most of Shoreham out tonight
It was brilliant and so funny. What a talented bunch!
Was just brilliant! Best Friday night in ages, you were all amazing
Brilliant performance. Well done to all involved
It was brilliant.....everybody should go and see it....you won't be disappointed.
Congratulations to Shoreham Players. Last night was a triumph.
Just had the best night, thank you to all, you were brilliant
Fantastic, utterly professional and hysterical.
In order of appearance:
Harry Dangle ......... Ivan Wainewright
Dolly .......................... Vanessa Welsh
Charlie Clench .............. Jim Philbrick
Lloyd ........................... Stuart Nicholls
Pauline Clench ...... Imogen Maclaren
Alan Dangle ..................... Cy Clelford
Francis Henshall .. Callum McFarland
Roscoe/Rachel Crabbe .. Katy James
Stanley Stubbers ............ Mark Harris
Driver/Policeman ............. Ken Fowler
Barman ......................... Will Desmond
Gareth .............................. Dave Jones
Alfie .......................... Rebecca Cohen
And Steve Beattie as herself!
​Director ............................... Will Desmond
Production Manager ............ Elie Williams
Technical Manager ......... Henry Desmond
Costume ............................. Janet Heuston
Stage Manager ................. Angela Wilkins
Stage Crew ...Steve Newitt & Emily Draper
Front of House Manager .... Rachel French
Tech Operator ......................... Jamie Gold
Prompt ................................... Julie Carder
Box Office ................................. Sue Rivett